On Fri, 12 Jul 96 23:21:51 -0400, you wrote:
As many people say, a good password cracker is very dependent on the dictionary file(s). When one has a very good dictionary file(s), the chances of password being cracked is bigger. I am wondering if someone can tell me where I can get good dictionary file(s). Search on the web result to nothing. I have one large dictionary file (about 14Mb) to check it, but I still not feel comfortable to say it's a good one.
Apparenlty you missed the ranting and raving only a few days ago (over 100 messages on the subject). There are several wordlists available at ftp://sable.ox.ac.uk/pub/wordlists begin 644 tagline.txt enum MicrosoftBoolean {TRUE, FALSE, MAYBE}; Greg Miller: Programmer/Analyst (gmiller@dey-systems.com) http://grendel.ius.indiana.edu/~gmiller/ end.