she never looks like a senator from krypton on the red carpet. i am looking forward to a date with grant. we are happily enjoying being able to play outside again. wooohoooo!" interested? i think it would be so fun. i found that amazing old shirt (we're big fans) at the thrift store for $1 and it's so soft. here's an irish blessing from us to you... i love her style. when she does these weekends she fills up really fast so don't wait- if you need color and/or cut and/or face waxing at very reasonable prices email her promptly and she'll get you booked and give you directions. (so is corned beef if you've never tried it). have a happy st. patrick's day. i love the color palette and obvious softness. i love that she's an expert knitter and yet chooses to create very simple pieces; i made this one for a gift, but i've already cast on another for moi. What are your tips for clearing clutter so you can focus on such a project as sewing?" well mary, let me answer your question by showing you some examples of how i deal with clutter in different areas of my home: 4. i don't worry about a little "creative clutter" in cate's room. i say, a good dress up/ barbie mess day better than watching tv all afternoon, right? pretty soon i will just put my 'kerchief on again and go to town. (yes, that is what cate's room looks like again, just over a month after the big clean. i tell you, i'm fighting a losing battle with that girl). does that answer your question, mary? i hope it helps! wink. 1. in the craft room i throw everything on the homework table. that clears up the floor for more mess craft making. i was chuckling while i cooked thinking about how my irish grandparents always had a plaque on their wall with this prayer on it: "may you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows your dead" ha! she's cute 2. to keep the bedrooms clear i throw all the dirty laundry in the laundry room and shut the door. out of sight, out of mind!