seriously though my closest friends are fun real and honest good entertaining in love with life a little crazy down to earth deep and incapable of bs
i have never been an animal person i swore id never have a dog who wants to pick up poop not me but somehow in my baby hungry weakness i was convinced to relent by the other two mccalebs who said they desperately needed a puppy fine whatever just take care of her and pick up the poop
feeling so inspired
i have been laying in bed sick since monday it seems to be getting worse by the day not better i am so irritated and antsy i miss my family and i want to clean my house
im just obsessed with him
and i cheat like alot well usually i ease up on weekends but i feel so crappy and bloated again that i cant wait to start eating right on monday but i have kind of had to tell myself this is just the new lifestyle and if i want to indulge every now and again im going to cause id rather die than not be able to have some chips and guac or a slice of cake every now and again so if i eat like this 90% of the time then ive noticed that my body or the scale doesnt mind if i wander in my choices a bit the other 10% exercising everyday helps with this too i feel like its a great trade off- feeling great and a regular period for a little self control
i went to the fabric store tonight in search of prints to make some new spring scarves with some will probably end up in the shop too i just love this look also i love toast (the catalog and the cooked bread)
and that made me think of all the insomniatic nights that she stayed up with me and mirrored my every move and snuggled me right out of my anxiety into dreamland long after grant and cate had drifted off
it makes me too happy drawers full of yarn too glorious
from toast
i thought id live there forever one day when i was 12 my dad quit his job and we moved to lake tahoe it rocked my stable world
one thing i enjoy about facebook is the old pictures that friends and fam upload to walk down memory lane together with you
at 18 i planned to live the tahoe hippie life forever one day i felt compelled i knew it i just had to leave i packed up my car and moved to the central coast
a few months in the life of this infertile girl
(but honestly i dont snack alot when you eat so much protein you dont get hungry as often through the day)
breakfast i always have two eggs and salsa always i dont really get sick of it and it would really stink if i did because theres not a lot out there for breakfast actually when you are at your ideal weight and ovulating regularly you can have any kind of whole grain hot cereal without a problem you know steel cut oats etc i am not quite there yet berries and grapes are pretty low on the glycemic index and i have those too oh and i love cottage cheese with fruit
i bet that block is not nearly as big as i remember it being but i remember it being quite a trip