# PS: ther party went very well and I did get a chance to meet a few more # people from this list.
I also made it to the party, and would not have, had it not been for the announcement on cypherpunks. Please do make announcements ... and leave it for individual punks to decide how far they should drive, fly, swim, etc. for a party! ( It took me two trains, one bus, and a seven block walk. )
I run a party mailing list if anyone is intrested, anyone holding a party can email a invite to it the address is "ba-party@utter.dis.org" for those in Santa Curz there is a mailing list called "party@amory.com" email me if anyone is intrested ba-party. -Pete PS: henry, I added you to the list already. PPS: enough of this non-pgp stuff, anyone want to help me setup a remailer on my home systems? -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.1 iQBFAgUBK2xmTMhmn7GUWLLFAQEeEgF9EVFsIj8VA/zX4a8ycRppfyutsPO4shBQ 7L+FblZU7nL2ASYSmtVqQ4lu55SL35VB =qYGx -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----