I don't recall the rationale used by the USPO to forbid CJ from posting to cypherpunks. Anybody know the answer to that? I can see the spite value, but what harm could possibly come from posting to cypherpunks as distinguished from another mail list? Or does the ban include posting to any mail list. I read the prohibition against using the Internet for any purpose except research on medical and legal matters, but nothing in the probation conditions about cyperpunks itself. Is that selective ban of cpunks a prelude to Tora Bora-ing the whole shebang? Just what is it about cypherpunks that drives federal officials in the elf-buggering northwest to phantasms of Inquisition, Witch Burning, chasing home-brewed bin Ladens? Inshallah, they act demon-possessed like christ-fetishist Robert Hanssen. Speaking of stakeworthy witches, did you see that mad-terrorist groupie Jessica Stern was featured by Time magazine as one of the Five Underappreciated Americans?