On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 George@Orwellian.Org wrote:
Isn't Jim Choate Prime against this ruling, on the basis that it discriminates against certain radiating frequencies?
He has posted to that affect before.
Prime Sinister Jim Choate says: # # Bullshit. What I said was that basing a 'search' # on the frequency of the radiation observed was bullshit. # # I stand by that. Oh Google, what were his exact words? # Is a visible light search needful of a warrant? # If so then why is the frequency of the radiation an issue? SCOTUS said it violates the "home is the castle" principle, because there were no longer any walls. You could see inside. What part of "see inside" don't you understand? I quoted Diffie Whitfield: "An essential element of freedom is the right to privacy, a right that cannot be expected to stand against an unremitting technological attack." To which you replied that Diffie was an idiot. Who looks like an idiot now?