2 Jul
2 Jul
9:44 a.m.
At 11:57 AM 7/1/01 -0400, George@Orwellian.Org wrote:
Aluminized Pants, 15 ounce Rayon, Kevlar. Thread, Large, 32 inch Inseam Length: http://www.grainger.com/images/products/5t323.jpg
See also http://www.zapatopi.net/afdb.html And http://www.stopabductions.com/ ........ The great thing is they'll just think you're paranoid, chemically, instead of tempest/crypto paranoid. Unless you start talking. (Maybe even then :-) ........ Note that a simple magnet is capable of de-activating certain kinds of anti-theft tags. EDN has a recent article on how they (and other kinds) work.