On 13 Jul 96 at 22:22, root@mail.demon.net wrote: Could you please explain me why my message was blocked? P.S. any CPunks who could answer my questions below? Please reply by e-mail. Thanks ---------- begin quoted message -------------
Whilst talking to mist.demon.co.uk:
MAIL FROM:<jf_avon@citenet.net> 503 Local policy blocks mail from <jf_avon@citenet.net>
------ Original Message Follows ------
Received: from punt-1.mail.demon.net by mailstore for iolo@mist.demon.co.uk id 837281345:17284:1; Sat, 13 Jul 96 19:09:05 BST Received: from cti02.citenet.net ([]) by punt-1.mail.demon.net id aa16801; 13 Jul 96 19:08 +0100 Received: from g34-138.citenet.net by cti02.citenet.net (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA13507; Sat, 13 Jul 96 13:17:50 EDT Message-Id: <9607131717.AA13507@cti02.citenet.net> Comments: Authenticated sender is <jf_avon@pop.citenet.net> From: "Jean-Francois Avon" <jf_avon@citenet.net> Organization: JFA Technologies To: Edgar Swank <edgar@Garg.Campbell.CA.US> Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 13:13:33 -0500 Subject: SecureDrive(IDEA), Realdeal and plaintext attack Reply-To: jf_avon@citenet.net Cc: Iolo Davidson <iolo@mist.demon.co.uk>, Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet <galactus@stack.urc.tue.nl> Priority: normal X-Mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (v2.32)
I wrote to you the other day to send you my config files (excepted Galactus).
Just to refresh your memory:
I use Secure Drive 1.4a on my data drive.
While running Win3.11wg (with dos7 with locked drives), I load realdeal.exe /pers .
Since realdeal overwrite everything with 0s, and that theses zeroed sectors are encrypted later with IDEA, will that give an attacker an edge? The attacker will likely know that there are large disk areas that contains 0s.
Any comments?
DePompadour, Societe d'Importation Ltee; Limoges porcelain, silverware and crystal JFA Technologies, R&D consultants: physicists, technologists and engineers.
PGP keys at: http://w3.citenet.net/users/jf_avon ID# C58ADD0D : 529645E8205A8A5E F87CC86FAEFEF891
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