On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 04:12:40PM -0400, Damian Gerow wrote:
Agreed, every politician has their own problems. I /personally/ don't believe that Mr. Gore was trying to take credit for 'inventing' the Internet. His wording is incredibly vague, and I agree that it could be taken as him trying to take credit for building up the Internet to the point it is today.
But he'd have to be *incredibly* stupid to actually believe that he could get away with claiming he invented something that existed (albeit in various forms) years previous.
Good grief -- algore is fucking pathological liar. That was just one example among thousands. He can't even tell the truth about where and how he grew up. Gore the lessor of two evils? As much as I despise dubbya, I can't say I'd prefer gore -- but then I voted for Ralph, and will again. And voted libertarian the two elections before that. And the local elections are no prime pickings either, it's crooks to the left of us, crooks to the right of us, ahead and behind, above and below. Extremely few real choices. The real problem is -- most people don't vote. What needs to be done is a real grass roots effort to educate people and get them to vote. -- Harmon Seaver CyberShamanix http://www.cybershamanix.com Hoka hey!