Geiger writes:
That's right Phil you can sleep better now that all the evil millitia have been distroyed. I'm sure you woun't mind when the Constitution is gone too. Nothing to worry about after all you have Bill Clinton and his buddies to make sure your safe. They said they would and they would never lie.
Well I supose there is the possibility your lot might see sense and ask to be readmitted to the British Empire but its by no means clear you would be re-admitted. And there would have to be reparitions for all that confiscated British property being used without compensation...
I'm sure if you were in Germany during the 30's that you would have thought the "Jewish Solution" was a good thing after all the government said it was.
McVeigh is the racist extreemist who has committed mass murder in this case, not the government. While I would welcome it if you joined me in condeming US sponsored terorism during the cold war I don't think you are willing to do so.
That's ok Phil 1 little white boy will fry in the electric chair. But just maybe your children will never have to know what it's like to live under a Hitler or a Stalin because there are some in this country who are willing to standup to the STATEST in DC who if given the chance will enslave us all.
But this threat does not come from the state, it comes from those like McVeigh who will murder children to further their agenda. The militias have not rejected the concept of a state, far from it they claim ownership of it, they claim that they have the right to dispense law, they claim the right to murder those who disagree with them. Their ideology is at root that of Musollini's fascists. It is surprising to find that you are so willing to be an open appologist for McVeigh's crime but in answer to your point: No children are going to grow up in a better world because of McVeigh or any of his followers, many will not grow up at all because he murdered them. Phill