On Tue, Nov 25, 1997 at 02:20:34AM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
Fabrice Planchon wrote:
Once again, if 1812 the [British] invasion [of the United States] actually occured,...
They burned the White House to the ground. Does that count? ;-)
Oups... of course I made a typo, and everybody read "in 1812 yadayadayada". And yes it counts and I like it (just because the initial reason for this mess was the tentative to take over Canada, and it just illustrates that the US were already as any other country, trying to take over their neighbours ;-) Of course nowadays you don't see that they miserabily failed on that occasion) F. -- Fabrice Planchon (ph) 609/258-6495 Applied Math Program, 210 Fine Hall (fax) 609/258-1735