No, both are true. Bin Laden, associates elude spy agency's eavesdropping By Scott Shane Sun Staff Originally published September 16, 2001 James Bamford, author of two books on the NSA, was told by agency sources that in the late 1990s, NSA officers would sometimes play a tape of bin Laden talking with his mother to impress visitors holding high-level security clearances. But early this year, Bamford said, a source told him that the agency "had totally lost bin Laden's calls." "They lost all track of him," Bamford said. "It could be that he uses couriers for really important communications. Or it could be he's using encryption." If it is true that the NSA can no longer monitor bin Laden's communications - and the agency isn't saying - the loss might have played a role in the failure of U.S. intelligence to pick up warning of Tuesday's terrorist attacks. Officials have called bin Laden their prime suspect. -- Rob Carlson On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, citizenQ wrote:
first On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Eugene Leitl wrote:
"According to intelligence officials, bin Laden is aware that the United States can eavesdrop on his international communications but he does not seem to care. To impress cleared visitors, NSA analysts occasionally play audiotapes of bin Laden talking to his mother over an INMARSAT connection."
Then DCF writes:
BTW, the perps used their real names and IDs and Osama doesn't even use a telephone. He communicates using couriers from his family's clan.
Obviously these statements are not equally true.