Another proprietary key format. Why not base such a system on OpenPGP? Hmm. AES-256 with SHA-256? Children, what's wrong with the balance in this system? How does a user verify authenticity of another user's public key? Aside from being incompatible with anything else on the net, how is this different or more secure than Hushmail? Than Cryptomail.org? -MW- On Sat, 1 Dec 2001, Adam: Kurzawa wrote:
Hey, I don't know how many of you have seen this? But here it is anyway, what do you guys think?
CryptoHeaven is a new, secure online service released by CryptoHeaven Development Team. The product is intended for individuals in need of security and privacy working together in small groups.
CryptoHeaven is the only secure online system currently integrating secure email, secure instant messaging (with multi party support), secure online file storage & file sharing in one unique package.
Our services are available over the internet from anywhere, anytime. Automatic key and contact management ensures you can use your account from any computer connected to the internet. An easy to use, integrated user interface capable of running on most current computers ensures that all services are always available, regardless of where you may be.
Your privacy is at all times protected with the highest level cryptography available: 256 bit symmetric key and 2048-4096 bit asymmetric keys. The level of security offered is unmatched in the industry.
Free and premium accounts are available. Take it for a test drive and invite your friends to try it too.
CryptoHeaven is confident in its system, and as such we release the source code to any interested party for a review, free of charge.