Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
Reuters 20-NOV-97
(TAMPA) -- Federal marshals and local deputies have shut down three Tampa area ``pirate'' radio stations, silencing unlicensed sources of rock music and far-right ideology. Authorities carted off broadcast and studio equipment from all three stations and dismantled a rooftop antenna that stood over one broadcaster's home. One of the stations was operated by 53-year-old Arthur Kobres, who is named in a 14- count indictment alleging violations of national broadcasting laws. Authorities say Kobres used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages.
If you will check the archives (God, I've been waiting for a chance to say that!), you will find that several weeks ago (years ago, in 'dog weeks') I posted some rambling nonsense which pointed out recent court rulings in regard to a Berkeley (?) judge upholding the right of local freelance (?) stations to operate outside of the unconstitutional iron hand of the FCC, and pointed out the potential importance of the judge's ruling in regard to future legal issues surrounding the InterNet. I also pointed out that the government would undoubtedly call and raise this judicial ruling by launching a variety of attacks on other small, local broadcasters in an attempt to provide a wide legal base of precedent for deeming them 'pirate' broadcasters, thus negating the effect of a single, unbought judge who accidentally came across some literature describing the Constitution and realized that everything her political Puppet Masters told her was wrong. Cheap Self-Promotional Plug: I have recently opened a Psychic Hotline at 1-800-Tru-Mong, which costs $.02/min, and I am getting filthy rich predicting the future. I channel Tim May in order to predict future events, and channel Robert Hettinga, Kent Crispin and Phillip Hallam-Baker to predict future government disinformation campaigns. I channel Sigmund Freud and Carl Lewis in order to keep one step ahead of the guys with the butterfly-net. TruthMonger Authorities say Kobres used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say Kobres used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say CypherPunks used their equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say CypherPunks used their equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say Chudov used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say Choates used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say Cottrel used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say Young used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say blanc used her equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say amp used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say Schear used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say Burnes used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say Ito used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say Vulis used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say Wienke used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. Authorities say Galt used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages. ... Authorities say Kobres used his equipment to broadcast anti-government messages.