4 Jan
4 Jan
11:03 a.m.
On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 10:19:52AM -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
mattd[SMTP:mattd@useoz.com] wrote: Peter Trei's addy is ptrei@rsasecurity.com Ill be researching this 'security company' Probably just an Idiot,like declan, but could be dangerous.
Oh, this is rich!
Someone claiming to be an informed poster to the cypherpunks list who doesn't know RSA Security Inc's status in the field.
Actually, has mattd/proffr ever claimed to be an "informed poster?" :) At least, as I think you said yesterday, CJ had much more flair, and a better understanding of things cypherpunkly. Ah well. Procmail makes things much better. -Declan