E.> I can imagine it, but none exist. This is mostly because the From: ^^^^^^^^^^^ E.> field is supplied by the mailer and satisfies that requirement, E.> whereas requiring things in teh body of the mail message goes against E.> the grain of how the systems are used. *Bzzzzt* Wrong answer, thank you for playing. The public access bbs system running out of Chapel Hill, automatically appends the same signature to all outgoing messages, and other sites are considering the same measures.
I think what he's saying is that a signature that identifies which *user* on the system as well as the system name does not exist. I'm sure there are a couple, but I agree with your point that most BBS's on any mail network append an identifying "tagline" or signature. As a matter of fact, in many nets it is a requirement that your system append a tagline to all messages. Incidentally, it is preceded often by "--" on a line by itself. Chael Hall -- Chael Hall nowhere@bsu-cs.bsu.edu, 00CCHALL@LEO.BSUVC.BSU.EDU, CHALL@CLSV.Charon.BSU.Edu (317) 285-3648 after 3 pm EST