Carlisle Adams included it in his list of interesting cipherss in his talk at RSA. Lars Knudsen's Block Cipher Lounge does not list any known attacks. http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~knudsen/bc Matsui, its designer, is not stupid. He did the linear cryptanalysis of DES, which I think was the invention of linear cryptanalysis. Adam William H. Geiger III wrote: | Well on another mailing list I have been chastised for calling Misty | "snake-oil". | | Has anyone actually examined this algorithm? Seems there is an IETF Draft | on it (draft-ohta-misty1desc-00.txt). | | Any opinions on it?? My only exposure has be through the pidgon-english | posts of Nobuki Nakatuji (if it looks like a duck, it smells like a duck, | it quacks like a duck ....). -- "It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once." -Hume