Ding-Ding. We may have a winner!
Very true. Whistleblowing was invented for officials to disclose marked-up, tagged and shrewdly redacted information. There is an international organization of whistleblowers to assure a steady flow, funded by shadowy sources. Beyond that obviously professional outlet there are: Open and secret generous grants available to scholars, renegades, freedom fighters, hackers, siphoners, aggregators, search engines, coders, Tors, leakers, spammers, Chinese, Iranians, Israelis, rogues, drug kingpins, kiddie porn baiters, civil liberty unions, unions, agitators, organizers of the poor and the filthy rich, tweeters and speakers, priests and TLC givers, every conceivable exceedingly fine-grained minority and social and economic injustice aggrievers, Wall Street and off-shore greeders, why there is hardly any way to avoid getting a piece of the pie directly or indirectly, say, through an amazingly lucky break and recognition of your long-overlooked talent, a door opened just for you and your angry bitch gnawing your deadbeat balls. Whistleblowing is a satisfying blow job. That's a recruiting slogan.