At 1:52 PM -0500 1/25/98, Matthew Ghio wrote:
Cookies and the NYTIMES subscription: NYTIMES.COM tries to store your userid and password in the cookie with keywords PW= and ID=. Problem is, it tries to encode them using 8-bit characters. Lucky for us, at this time NYTIMES.COM does not check if userid/password are valid, just that they're a part of the cookie!! So, just add these two lines to your junkbuster config:
wafer PW=0 wafer ID=0
and nytimes.com will greet you as "0" and let you right in.
It doesn't check the PW or ID at all except the first time you log in. After that it generates a new cookie titled NPLCNYT and that is the only cookie it checks; the PW and ID are not required to be there at all. If you delete the NPLCNYT cookie, it will check the PW/ID and generate a new one. An example cookie is below:
Anyone have something similar for the WSJ? --Steve