At 04:16 PM 9/13/00 +0000, Phaedrus wrote:
Sheeple, who don't think defensively. Even for their kids
oh, don't get me wrong, a convicted child molester moving into town, or maybe an 'obscene' website, they'll scream about -- but they don't think about real danger
For example, 90% of sheeple send their children to government mind destruction facilities to have their minds destroyed. You may have seen ads which show mothers driving their innocents to these institutions in Volvos (supposedly because they want to keep them safe). Better they should drive their kids in old VW Beetles and keep them away from facilities designed to brain damage their offspring. DCF ---- "I wake up every morning worrying about your children" -- Bill Clinton (1992). I sincerely hope not because if he does worry about my children he might feel compelled to do something about them and the resulting fire fight would cause significant collateral damage in the neighborhood.