And here I thought Tim was born in Virginia, or something... ;-). Cheers, Bob Hettinga --- begin forwarded text
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 17:00:01 -0400 From: rah-web <> Reply-To: Organization: Philodox MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: Tim May Investigations
P.O. Box 3081, Frederick, MD 21705 Voice: 301.695.2662 or 800.723.7026 Fax: 301.695.4009 / Email: <>
Providing the "ABC's" of Professional Investigations:
We offer complete professional services for any and all types of professional investigations:
Civil & Criminal Investigations Background Checks/Polygraphs Worker's Compensation Cases Security Analysis Credit & Bad Debt Services Child Custody & Support Domestic Relations Missing Persons Fire/Arson Investigations Explosives Scene Analysis Fire Code Investigations Body Guard - Armed/Unarmed Private Process Service Skip Tracing Debugging Corporate Services Package Seminars and Workshops on Workplace Violence
Call for your FREE Initial Consultation!
Profile of Tim May, President of Tim May Investigations
"The sensitive nature of investigative services is reflected in the attitude we promote. While discretion and confidentiality are our highest priorities, we place great importance on providing you with expert and concise counseling and impartial documentation." --Tim May
Mr. May currently serves as a Judge for Probate Court
Senior investigator/explosive technician with the Office of the State Fire Marshall of Maryland from 1974-1983. Prior to that, Mr. May served as a police officer and Police Chief in Maryland.
Former Department Chairman of the Arson Mitigation Division at the National Fire Academy.
Consultant and Instructor to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms (ATF), Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.), and expert witness for U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Attorney.
Mr. May has testified as an expert on arson, explosives, hazardous materials, criminal and civil investigations, and is qualified in District, Circuit, and Federal Courts, as well as International Courts.
Successful completion of several high profile national cases has earned world-wide recognition, providing contracts with foreign governments and corporations.
Adjunct member and lecturer to several state universities, colleges, and associations.
Investigative Services
Our associates are selected and employed by us because they have a proven record based on a successful balance of technical experience and personal characteristics. Each member of our staff has undergone extensive training in all aspects of investigative methodology. These skills and procedures are constantly updated as the rules of evidence and judicial requirements undergo revisions at local and national levels. Our ability to work closely with clients and their legal representatives has earned us an outstanding reputation nationally.
In the 90's, investigative services are a $400 billion dollar a year industry. An ever-increasing number of individuals, businesses, and organizations are utilizing their legal rights to increase security and gain piece of mind. Quality investigative services can protect you from losing money in lawsuits and damages claims, and even recover losses you may have experienced.
Exercise your right to know!
Why Consider Investigation?
57% of all U.S. businesses use an investigative agency to verify they are hiring the right employee: credentials, drug screening, criminal records, employment history, and past violent behavior. You have a FEDERAL RIGHT to know who you are hiring and/or contracting with. 30-40 million people (1/3 - 1/4 of the workforce) have a criminal record according to the U.S. Department of Labor. YOU can be liable for NOT conducting background checks in certain situations. YOU can be liable for negligent hiring and retention, and for allowing some conditions such as sexual harassment or stalking to occur unreported.
65%-75% of all merchandise losses were the result of employee theft.
Why take chances...Call Now! 301 695-2662
We offer affordable rates...
Like everything else, there is a wide-range of fees charged in the service-provider market. We recognize that each client has unique requirements - whether they are of a security, protective, or investigative nature, or a combination of each.
Since our first goal is to understand your needs, you will only pay for actual services provided - as discussed. Our fee schedule is based on time, personnel involved, degree of technical and supervisory support, and the extent of case preparation, where necessary.
The projected cost is provided after a FREE initial consultation. We believe this approach allows the maximum degree of confidence and peace of mind.
Your Full Service Agency. . . Tim May Investigations P.O. Box 3081, Frederick, MD 21705 Voice: 301.695.2662 or 800.723.7026 Fax: 301.695.4009 / Email: <>
You are Vistor Number 293 Since January 20, 1998
--- end forwarded text ----------------- Robert A. Hettinga <mailto:> Philodox Financial Technology Evangelism <> 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity, [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'