On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, William H. Geiger III wrote:
And if they really want to save some children why don't they shut down the multi-billion dollar infanticide industry known as abortion. Why are these medical hacks allowed to do to children what they would be jailed for doing to a dog? Perhaps because it serves nicely with the elitist goals of population control (need to keep the number of niggers, bean pickers, and white trash down to a controllable number) not to mention that their pockets are well lined by the hacks.
no, abortion does not serve the interests of limiting the "undesirables" to meet elitist population control ideas. quite the opposite --the various machinations of the extremeist conservative [bowel] movement and depriving of abortion funds has meant that abortion is available only to the haves. same result in U.S. foreign policy which excludes not only abortion services from foreign aid disbursement, but also birth control. so, the population of "bean pickers, niggers, and white trash" increases relative to the desired "white" population --rather dramatically --"elitist" families have negative population growth; several of the others have factors as high as 300%. personally, I am against abortion-- however, I'll be damned if I would deny anyone else either the right or the means to make that personal decision. it is not a question of morality; it is a fundamental right to freedom of choice unencumbered by an increasingly invasive federal government --the first Bitch can take her Global Village into her house, not mine. attila out... __________________________________________________________________________ go not unto usenet for advice, for the inhabitants thereof will say: yes, and no, and maybe, and I don't know, and fuck-off. _________________________________________________________________ attila__ To be a ruler of men, you need at least 12 inches.... There is no safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be.