CCI: CRYPTO CZAR INTERNATIONAL ANNOUNCES UNBREAKABLE CRYPTO CHALLENGE ---------------------------------------------------------------- Crypto Czar International would like to announce the development of the fastest and most secure encryption product on the market today. We plan to develop this product early next week, as our employee has already finished the first two chapters of 'Applied Cryptography.' We are so confident of our future product that we are challenging MagNuts, Micro$oft, Nut$crape and everyone else to break it. We are willing to pay out a $10,000,0000 prize to anyone willing to give us a $1,000 good-faith deposit, which will be returned upon completion of our open-ended Crypto Challenge. Please send ten copies of this to your friends and to your business associates. The address to send the good-faith deposit to: Crypto Czar International c/o Electronic Fraud Foundation Box 281, Bienfait, Saskatchewan CANADA S0C 0M0