Wednesday 9/16/98 6:56 PM Underwood More than 40 years ago Armand [bunky] Larive, I, and others took history of philosphy from bill soper. Laivre is an an episcopal priest in Pullman now. I don't see sopher listed in the faculty directory. Sopher invited an attractive articulate lady from the B'Hai religion to lecture our class. The LADY put forth an argument on why we should all believe. In the next lecture Soper, as a philospher should, went into every detail why her arguments were falacious. The contemplation of things as they are, without error or confusion, without substitution or imposture, is in itself a nobler thing than a whole harvest of invention. Francis Bacon I think Lairve was present at the lecture and analysis. I PROFITED FROM YOUR differential equations AND elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint courses. But this has been about 40 years ago. I still have the books used in your classes. And my education at Whitman. Then, too, I profited from Zirakzaheh's higher alegraba course in the summer of 1958 at U Colorado. Let's hope this gets settled before someone gets NUKED. We know these guys. And we SPECULATE that they are NOT HAPPY ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED. bill ---- Subject: Politicians, lawyers, and crypto Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 16:50:15 -0600 From: bill payne <> To: Subject: Politicians, lawyers, and crypto Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 16:48:32 -0600 From: bill payne <> To:, Subject: Politicians, lawyers, and crypto Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 16:46:11 -0600 From: bill payne <> To: Subject: Politicians, lawyers, and crypto Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 16:44:26 -0600 From: bill payne <> To: CC:, grassley <>, cynthia mckinney <> Kyl I am reading Please help get this MESS settled. bill ---- Subject: crypto nonsense Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 16:38:25 -0600 From: bill payne <> To:,, CHRYSLER AWARD NOMINATION STATEMENT 9/16/9812:50 PM American forefathers drafted the Constitution and laws of our country shortly after having suffered injustice. Fresh in their minds were strategies used by their oppressors. Writers of the Constitution and laws anticipated ways to subvert our system. Therefore, our forefathers designed safeguards into our legal system to prevent future injustice. But these safeguards DONT appear to be working today. Morales and Payne designed a strategy using the National Security Agency [NSA], Sandia National Laboratories, the US Federal Court System, and publication on Internet to illustrate how the US government has deteriorated. Arthur Morales WAS a supervisor at Sandia Labs in 1991. Morales and Manuel Garcia organized a class action lawsuit on behalf of Hispanics against Sandia. Sandia settled Morales and Garcias lawsuit. Department of Energy acknowledged from Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] requests that as of December 31, 1995 Morales cost Sandia $567,137 in legal fees. Sandia retaliated against Morales. Morales sued Sandia in New Mexico District Court. Morales lost. William Payne wrote a technical report describing deficiencies in NSAs cryptographic algorithms Sandia transferred Payne to break electronics locks for the Federal Bureau of Invesitgation [FBI]. Payne refused to do illegal work. Payne sued Sandia in Federal Court. Payne lost and court records were sealed. FBI agent Bernardo Perez led a class action lawsuit against the FBI for race discrimination against Hispanic FBI agents. Perez won. Perez was assigned agent-in-charge of the FBI in Albuquerque for settlement. But Perez lost money. Morales and Payne learned that the FBI extorted an inexpensive settlement from Perez by telling Perez that the FBI was GUARANTEED to win on appeal in Federal Circuit. With Perez and others knowledge of circuit courts, Morales and Payne appealed their respective cases pro se to the Tenth Circuit. In Paynes case Sandia failed to submit its Brief of the Appellees on time. Then falsified its certificate of service when Payne filed to remand. In Morales case Sandia submitted a deficient Brief of the Appellees which was returned but failed to serve Morales with its brief. Payne and Morales both won at the Tenth Circuit on technicalities. But judges awarded the wins to Sandia. All attempts by Morales and Payne to get copies of the docket for their respective Tenth Circuit cases failed. Therefore, Morales and Payne hatched a plan to get the dockets and expose government misconduct. Payne previously made FOIA requests to NSA for copies of messages and translations given to Iraq during the Iraq/Iran war, copies of Libyan messages intercepted by NSA, and NSA cryptographic algorithms Payne thought contained deficiencies. Morales and Payne sued NSA pro se for the documents. Lawsuit progress was broadcast on Internet through e- mail and And Payne wrote Black and White Test of Cryptographic Algorithms criticizing the US governments crypto contest. Morales and Payne FINALLY got copies of dockets from their respective cases from the Tenth Circuit using Internet as an innovative tool. /\/\/\/\/\/\ Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 11:08:39 -0700 From: The Electronic Zola <> To: biru Subject: Re: Interested LATER? Hi Biru,
Non-random Cryptographic Keys Defeat Key Escrow
I will introduce, by example, readers to deBruijn diagrams and statistical tests. Both will be related to random number and pseudorandom number generation.
Sounds good to us. We know mathematics scares our readers. But some of our editors like it just fine. And we don't care much for the Great Satan around here. Cheers, Z --- I am not reading e-mail.