Dave Emery, at Die!Die!Die!@die!die!die!.cum, wrote:
For those interested in the current state of position escrow technology (AKA FCC mandated E-911 emergency call location reporting), the April 1998 Issue of IEEE Communications Magazine is a special issue devoted to the subject of locating cellphones and other personal wireless devices that radiate rf.
This of course means that the network will be able to locate a cellphone whenever it radiates anything at all, rather than asking it for its position only under certain emergency circumstances such as an E-911 call.
Does this mean that if a woman calls me in response to an ad I place in a 'Personals' column, that I can track her down and rape and murder her, even though she is using a mobile cellular phone for her own protection? Being a violent sexual pervert with a long history of sexual predetation I can certaily vouch for the fact that having a hard-on with no victim in sight is an emergency, regardless of whether or not THOSE CHEAP WHORES ARE TRYING TO HIDE BEHIND THE PHYSICAL ANONYMITY OF A CELLULAR PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank Dog that those in charge of monitoring the F(ucking) C(ock-teasing) C(unts) using cellular phones are finally providing myself and my cellmates with a way to locate THOSE STINKING BITCHES AND MAKING THEM *PAY* FOR THE SINS OF *ALL* THE MOTHERS WHO LEAD THEIR CHILDREN ON AND THEN REFUSE TO PUT OUT FOR THEM!!!!! Sincerely, Surreal Killer