Almost 60 percent of those polled said they thought Clinton was fit to be president. By what standard? That's the trouble. Americans have no standards -- no unchangeable yardsticks by which they measure right and wrong, truth from fiction.
By *their* standard, by their own personal judgement. There's no moral yardstick, and God help us if there is in the future. Who makes the yardstick? Who sits down and says, "This is the moral standard in this country, abide by it or suffer the consequences"?
Sorry but there are absolutes and there is a moral yardstick. Whether
is accepted or not is beside the point.
There has to be absolutes otherwise any action can be excused (or damned). The real cry should be "God help us to instigate Your yardstick". God doesn't change and neither does His measure.
1)Love the Lord, with all your heart, with all you soul with all your mind and all your strength 2)Love you neibour as yourself.
Everything else hangs on these.
Ever heard of seperation of church and state? Democracy? the rights of the individual? While you certainly have the right to practice your religion in what ever manner you so choose demanding that everyone else does, or that the president of the us of ais subject to you PERSONAL faith decisions is outragous Vivek Vaidya ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com