In Your EAR, Shit-For-Brains ---------------------------- In continuation of a tradition begun on Dec. 7, 2041 A.D. EARMonger InterpretPrizes would like to extend an invitation to those who wish to participate in a clear violation of the U.S. EAR regulations of your current time period. The StarShip CowBoy, descended from the lineage of the Author, would be more than happy to ensure that your violation of EAR regulations extends not only across the physical and political geographically-based space continuum, but also across a range of the time continuum which begins before EAR was an unborn seed in the mind of The RAT, continues throughout its journey from the mind, through the digestive system, its physical manifestation as droppings from The RAT, its further evolution through the reproductive systems of various insects and vermin, right up to the time that The RatFucker returned it to its rightful place, placing it back in the mind of The Rat, as a seed placed in The Rat's EAR. "The more things change, the more they remain insane..." ~ The Author To participate, one only need to send the following: print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<> )]}\EsMsKsN0[lN*1lK[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<J]dsJxp"|dc` to the Monger of their choice, in any given space-time continuum, with instructions as to where the person would like to have this officially unexportable (under U.S. EAR regulations) cryptographic code forwarded. Whatever legally unexportable code you choose to send will be routed through U.S. servers to their ultimate destination. Two PGP Keys are included below, for those who wish to disguise their original message in order to maintain deniability (in the case that the message is intercepted by the Sixual Deviate, who would undoubtedly insert child-pornography into the message), to force those choosing to monitor and/or enforce EAR regulations to jump through the maximum number of hoops to pursue their March To Madness, or to hide the communication from your mother (who would undoubtedly smack your nasty bottom if she knew what you were doing through your little sister's email account). Suggestions for final destinations for your illegal and prosecutable communication: ~To yourself, at both U.S. and foreign email server sites. ~To your immediate family members at U.S. and foreign email server sites. ~To foreign embassies of U.S. allies. ~To foreign embassies of U.S. enemies. ~To U.S. embassies in foreign countries. ~To foreign government email addresses, with instructions for delivery to individuals presently incarcerated for terrorist crimes. ~To anywhere you damn well please... In the interests of making the whole process as convoluted and ridiculous as possible, it is suggested that you make your communications as much of a mixed-bag as you can imagine. e.g. - Some legal, some illegal, some attributed to yourself or others, some to be forwarded anonymously, some sent via routes that are easily traceable, some sent through routes that are difficult to trace, some sent from your own machines and email accounts, some through the machines and accounts of others (obvious forgeries are welcomed). All communications received by A Monger To Remain Unnamed Later But Everyone Knows Who It Is by April 1, 1998 will be forwarded on A Date Which Will Remain A Mystery , at exactly 9:02 CST, regardless of whether or not they are obviously spook-originated missives designed to provide proof of criminal activity. This once-in-many-lifetimes offer is being extended as part of a Man On The Digital Street survey aimed at answering the question: "Does anyone really know what time it is?" The question you might ask yourself, is: "Does anyone really care?" When you think of 'Chicago'--think of Abbey Hoffman. A. F(r)iend -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP for Business Security 5.5 mQENAzZsmI4AAAEIANHHMhV7V8WqPO6RjjfhZbeY/e6hsjAjKckU7YAYPhHiJfqG xw5+PgVjRPhIpXEE8ksmzZBzyH5KLW5GKFJZoD6YvVUSuzm+Gpxv+G78sBDBljUt BUoaB0XM4HSjEuqZtRtva+l+MAr3tFrK8FSdCsSgjQa8oOT5yFE76hgOGOkXGDKC HAISINKdduNsp4PU6HiNoKMdYpCCvK5u08lQFcByare2yaYmawYLmCzheCWLv9F/ kvnFtXCjup/pQNcOVeb/FkDx42l4vMwiWTH+AvrsjsV1njUIi9DTmcmD4doPlzBS qgbvQiTa16T2E4wJlnmATuW3QdwuBbdT2FSgj3MABRG0F0Vhck1vbmdlciA8ZW1A ZGV2Lm51bGw+iQEVAwUQNmyYjgW3U9hUoI9zAQHjNgf+KIDuWoBvfUj4H1twHvYU +IeDWIApLDnHkR7tsalLi9jY345iAolt3a/CiYxXPtjy9yedSaKoPasuvQk2cZ6e LZZwgEfDYj1GvjLC9D1rSItLLl6aDqYfhN2D2wgnB4mJssx1NP9zLQRf8aJkbDnl BMy3kfTr6ANmwe1hRGFWiuLkhnEtKzc9TFxBtx+4bx66rBBTzSUBfynH35bCLHLw hVzWGc5A0F18LG2WRLbGa/LcEXjp35jHyrJV73t2gUwVjH5qGa0B5O0dpvK9yDR9 wutFrmuhRgfqHO5Tclp470dkQFJv6HHMrSYyjRFFtyC9A+5Fvd1WkW7oLRAUxZmm HQ== =wU9D -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP for Business Security 5.5 mQGiBDSLZQsRBADXuA1EJfGhAFVBUP7O6RsBa3EwKKjS19cQlg83nXoo1Pueh4p0 DhD5Mi2V/y4LpWRSRTBpsi54tnC/KQOjze2e6lKS/ERD8R+0umbnqQEiuBamskx/ SsiEWkhHSY2JPxkffPs4IBxCt9IKjCT//iIRIstbwfS0XHkH1s9euuueRwCg/zxp 7ON8OfcMyWWgk/2E2BGC+mUD/RMq7ijYM10gUCn/F5kTZHrDGs9899XTTE1OBd7n FdLesISWPPjyroMTKaa8D6gW6zMpyuA5UMxPVNwoTUzM+N4qh7dzgOL3Zf4WgZoh 6dcdCuZ+fu5Sjni3BgWqnxWweC1+yDcXwp8WD/OcXkGshWr5pdAX2b8tzNw5tHMh dx4RBACEq9R81h8/s0oDuwaRXfyIWLyInGy+QyTdG+UbojFXR3cBMJFy8AVhRXd/ Jqn4JLRSegEZlSaYhjkS8LYrIj2Hxf4Bc/KaAzgl5DYeDsOcRcx6AXAneIr34KAq VNL9H+HyphRbkbWpiBgFT4lDcjbDGZ5pVYEG1gzRG6SmnP4XkbQXRWFyTW9uZ2Vy IDxlbUBkZXYubnVsbD6JAEsEEBECAAsFAjSLZQsECwMBAgAKCRAkfjoNeUg+6vco AKCf9cP91P4G+qSgOTV06ttt13TTPQCcCpNhZ0gpvUeQp/tJ963CH+8oJce5Ag0E NItlCxAIAPZCV7cIfwgXcqK61qlC8wXo+VMROU+28W65Szgg2gGnVqMU6Y9AVfPQ B8bLQ6mUrfdMZIZJ+AyDvWXpF9Sh01D49Vlf3HZSTz09jdvOmeFXklnN/biudE/F /Ha8g8VHMGHOfMlm/xX5u/2RXscBqtNbno2gpXI61Brwv0YAWCvl9Ij9WE5J280g tJ3kkQc2azNsOA1FHQ98iLMcfFstjvbzySPAQ/ClWxiNjrtVjLhdONM0/XwXV0Oj HRhs3jMhLLUq/zzhsSlAGBGNfISnCnLWhsQDGcgHKXrKlQzZlp+r0ApQmwJG0wg9 ZqRdQZ+cfL2JSyIZJrqrol7DVekyCzsAAgIIAL0fd6dD7q1m9wDlyMXczadMUJIi N6utCxDkxknURZhiGSBiRRDC1+5gvg1T896UijVN1gGviZs3PHAkwVnbZwM2I6cn 2hSF8MnJMDjI5pxPGCX/ABcUPUUSXOtWOWR/pMpbj4NvV6UClwVtMNK8s1E9B6+u 0is1FHjzQC0jxSbvpHJKuX2iQjkvtO+0BdkxCe7JO3ID5h4bb8W8Tdw4hjsQVeBm b+M8bDqKOxsBMqHp2ydvx/x1qEHhrCxMDPPRSfPHj1MJSTQB1T2Nt0/7yL6D14m6 h1mF3vV3ajsfKEDCRU0pyy7meqkXPABYrnFLLnHUCmtZatOK7q6IBDpPlD+JAEYE GBECAAYFAjSLZQsACgkQJH46DXlIPuopoACfSBsIgXRfMGJ9Tbuj03vHhEj8hRcA nj19dKu1fTDXtbSAJ7sEK+NeRE/t =uqgm -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Subject: time to export RSA and demand to be prosecuted? (Re: Cypherpunks Crypto_Legal Assistance Fund) Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 21:27:54 GMT From: Adam Back <aba@dcs.ex.ac.uk> To: ravage@ssz.com CC: cypherpunks@cyberpass.net, frissell@panix.com Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com> writes:
Perhaps it's time, in regards testing crypto law, to do exactly what Tim May proposes - premeditated actions intended to force either a clear refusal to prosecute on the part of the government or else a clear abstinance on their part to prosecute.
It's obvious that no individual has the legal where withal who is also willing to do this.
Some of the people on the list are lawyers, perhaps they could do it and represent themselves, or represent others. Duncan Frissell has some opinions on this I think. If I recall his previous statements on this topic have included that Phil Zimmermann ought to hire a troupe of dancing elephants to make a noise and force the Feds to prosecute. (Duncan considered the Feds would loose). On a practical matter of what to export... may I suggest exporting this: print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<> )]}\EsMsKsN0[lN*1lK[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<J]dsJxp"|dc` Peter Junger got an official decision from the US commerce department that this was not exportable under the EAR regulations. Do we have a volunteer? Adam -- Now officially an EAR violation... Have *you* exported RSA today? --> http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/ print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<> )]}\EsMsKsN0[lN*1lK[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<J]dsJxp"|dc` Subject: Re: time to export RSA and demand to be prosecuted? (Re: Cypherpunks Crypto_Legal Assistance Fund) Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 17:30:03 -0500 From: Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com> To: Adam Back <aba@dcs.ex.ac.uk> CC: cypherpunks@cyberpass.net References: 1 , 2 At 21:27 +0000 3/14/98, Adam Back wrote:
Peter Junger got an official decision from the US commerce department that this was not exportable under the EAR regulations.
Do we have a volunteer?
If anyone chooses to try this act of civil disobedience, let me know and I'll write about it. But be warned: the Department of Commerce has approximately 60 special agents who enforce violations of export rules. These are federal police officers, stationed in field office around the U.S., with badges and arrest power, trained at FLETC in Georgia. They don't have a sense of humor about these things. -Declan FLETC / Georgia Department of Commerce