Robert Hettinga wrote:
At 8:21 am -0400 on 6/15/97, John Young wrote:
... Sounds a bit Kallstromish... Surely Homer hasn't been hanging with the CT-hypers. ...an inflation of terrorist-spin to whatever feeds nightsweats of monsters coming to Ballmer our babies -- of flesh, markets or surveilling features. .......slightly Dilberted with lonely-guy infowar & -love games of fantasies of what will never be. ... Not that NSCP would sink to that kind of RSA Schwartau TLA insecurity.
Wow. I actually understood all that...
The scent of the cogs is unmistakable hereabouts.
Hetting and Young both pass on a variety of highly informative and exceedingly normal, reality-based material for the most part. Then, out of the blue, they post Taoist-Kerouac, acid-flashback missives which indicate that the Orphan Zombies roaming the computer Nether- world have not yet managed to steal their souls. Since John and Bob's psyche-meanderings often seem to occur within the same time-frame I have concluded that they both have the same drug connection. So...did you bring enough for everybody? DrugMonger