At 12:32 PM 6/30/2005, A.Melon wrote:
Well, James Dobson (right wing Christian evangelical) is targeting some of these same judges, so I don't think the Democrat & Republican division you're pointing to here is all that valid. In other words, some of those same judges are hated by the right.
Thomas in particular is hated by the Right, but everyone, left, right, and center hates the majority decision in Kelo. Polls on major news sites indicate 1-3% support for the decision.
Well, sure. At least 1-3% of the people in the country work for town governments and/or shopping mall developers who get to benefit from this kind of abuse. It's really strange to have a week where not only does the Supreme Court make a bunch of rabidly evil decisions, but Rehnquist and Thomas are on the correct side of several of them. Hope the old bastard can hang on long enough until either Bush is out of office or at least the Senate gets a few more Democrats, because Bush is unlikely to propose somebody even as principled as these right-wing zealots.