Welcome to the Data Haven Mailing List This list was originaly created by Douglas Floyd in order to focus discussion and development on Data Haven technology. In late 1998 The Armadillo Group took the list over since it was related to several current lists that we support. A data haven is a system that integrates cryptography, electronic funds transfer, long term data storage, anonymous remailers, and usenet style news mechanisms. The idea is that any two or more parties can participate in providing services and information in an anonymous environment that supports cryptographicly secured transactions. There are several architectures though the only known operating data haven was Black Net. This was an experiment by Tim May which examined the potential of anonymous transactions related to sensitive information and potentialy illegal activities via usenet. It was demonstrated successfuly. If you would like to subscribe send majordomo@ssz.com a message with a blank title and the body consisting of only: subscribe dh-l You should recieve a verification email and subsequent traffic. We hope to provide a archive of the lists traffic, though there really hasn't been a lot of it. If you are interested in this sort of technology then consider subscribing to one of the cypherpks CDR nodes as well as other more specialized lists. The cypherpunks are focused on cryptography and its implimentation and disimination, economic uses and impact of technology, and civil liberties. It is a *VERY* high traffic international mailing list. If you should have any problems please e-mail list@ssz.com for further help.