ÐÏࡱál freedom. Read on... Thank you for your time and Interest. This is the letter you've been reading about in the news lately. Due to the popularity of this letter on the Internet, a major nightly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of the program described below to see, if it really can make people money. The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal. Their findings proved once and for all that there are, absolutely no laws prohibiting the participation in the program. This has helped to show people that this is a simple, harmless, and fun way to make some extra money at home. The results of this show have been truly remarkable. So many people are participating that those involved are doing much better than ever before. Since everyone makes more as more people try it out, its been very exciting to be a part of lately. You will understand once you experience it. "HERE IT IS BELOW." ************************************************* Print This Now (IF YOU HAVE NOT already done it) for Future Reference The following income opportunity is one you may be interested in taking a look at. It can be started with VERY LITTLE investment and the income return is TREMENDOUS!!! THIS IS A LEGITIMATE, LEGAL, MONEYMAKING OPPORTUNITY. It does not require you to come into contact with people, do any especially hard work, and best of all, you never have to leave the house except to get the mail. Simply follow the instructions, and you really can make this happen. This e-mail order-marketing program works every time if you put in the effort to make it work. E-mail is the sales tool of the future. Take advantage of this non- commercialized method of advertising NOW! The longer you wait, the more savvy people will be taking your business using e-mail. Get what is rightfully yours. Program yourself for success and dare to think BIG. Sounds corny but its true. You'll never make it big if you dont have the belief system in place. ************************************************************** My name is Jonathan Rourke. Two years ago, the corporation I worked at for the past twelve years down-sized and my position was eliminated. After unproductive job interviews, I decided to open my own business. Over the past year, I incurred many unforeseen financial problems. I owed my family, friends, and creditors over $35,000. The economy was taking a toll on my business and I just couldn't seem to make ends meet. I had to refinance and borrow against my home to support my family and struggling business. At that moment something significant happened in my life and I am writing to share the experience in hopes that this will change your life forever financially! In mid December of 1997, I received this program via e-mail. Six months prior to receiving this program, I had been sending away for information on various business opportunities. All of the programs I received, in my opinion, were not cost effective. They were either too difficult for me to comprehend or the initial investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars was too much for me to risk to see if they would work or not. One claimed that I would make a million dollars in one year... it didn't tell me I'd have to write a book to make it! But like I was saying, in December of 1997 I received this program. I didn't send for it, or ask for it, they just got my name off a mailing list. Thank goodness for that! After reading it several times, to make sure I was reading it correctly, I couldn't believe my eyes. Here was a money making phenomenon! I could invest as much as I wanted to start, without putting me further into debt. After I got a pencil and paper and figured it out, I would at least get my money back. But like most of you I was still a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161 24-hrs) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal! After determining the program was Legal and not a chain letter, I decided "Why not?." Initially I sent out 10,000 e-mails. It cost me about $25 for third party bulk emailing. The great thing about e-mail is that I don't need any money for printing to send out the program, and because all of my orders are fulfilled via e- mail, the only expense is my time or advertising costs. I am telling you like it is. I hope it doesn't turn you off, but I promised myself that I would not "rip-off" anyone, no matter how much money it cost me. Here is the basic version of what you need to do: Your first goal is to "Receive at least 20 orders for Report #1 within 2 weeks of your first program going out. IF YOU DON'T, SEND OUT MORE PROGRAMS UNTIL YOU DO!" Your second goal is to "Receive at least 150 orders for report #2 within 2 weeks. IF NOT, SEND OUT MORE PROGRAMS UNTIL YOU DO. Once you have your 150 orders, relax, you've met your goal, you will make $50,000 but keep at it! If you don't get 150 right off, keep at it! It just may take some time for your down line to build, keep at it, stay focused and do not let yourself get distracted! In less than one week, I was starting to receive orders for Report #1. I kept at it.. kept mailing out the program and By January 13, I had received 26 orders for Report #1. My first step in making $50,000 was done. By January 30, I had received 196 orders for Report #2, 46 more than I needed. So I relaxed, but kept at it mailing out programs via classified ad leads at first and then later via bulk email ads (not free like classifieds but much more effective). By March 1, three months after my e-mailing of the first 10,000 I had hit $58,000 with more coming in every day. I paid off ALL my debts and bought a much-needed new car. Please take time to read the attached program, IT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!!! Remember, it won't work if you don't try it. This program does work, but you must follow it EXACTLY! Especially the rules of not trying to place your name in a different place. It won't work, you'll lose out on a lot of money! In order for this program to work very fast ( you will make money no matter what as long as you do some mailing of programs) try to meet your goal of 20 orders for REPORT #1, and 150 orders for REPORT #2 and you will make $50,000 or more in 90 days. If you don't reach the first two goals within two weeks, relax, you will still make a ton of money it may just take a few months or so longer. But keep mailing out programs and stay focused ! Thats the key! I am living proof that it works! If you choose not to participate in this program, I am sorry. It really is a great opportunity with minimal risk to you. If you choose to participate, follow the program and you will be on your way to financial security. If you are a fellow business owner and are in financial trouble like I was, or you want to start your own business, consider this a sign. I DID! Sincerely, Jonathan Rourke PS Do you have any idea what 11,700 $5 bills ($58,000) looks like piled up on a kitchen table? IT'S AWESOME! Remember though, the more you send out the more potential customers you will reach. ************************************************** THINK ABOUT IT: Before you delete this program from your mailbox, as I almost did, take a little time to read it and REALLY THINK ABOUT IT. Get a pencil and figure out what could happen when YOU participate. Figure out the worst possible response and no matter how you calculate it, you will still make a lot of money! You will definitely get back what you invested. Any doubts you have will vanish when your first orders come in. IT WORKS! Jody Jacobs, Richmond, VA ************************************************** HERE'S HOW THIS AMAZING PROGRAM WILL MAKE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLAR$ INSTRUCTIONS: This method of raising capital REALLY WORKS 100% EVERY TIME. If you get to work and stay focused on it! I am sure that you could use extra income or more in the next few months. Before you say, "NO WAY... ", please read this program carefully. This is a legal money making opportunity. Basically, this is what you do: As with all multi-level businesses, we build our business by recruiting new partners and selling our products. Every state in the USA allows you to recruit new multi-level business partners, and we offer a product for EVERY dollar sent. YOUR ORDERS COME BY MAIL AND ARE FILLED BY E-MAIL, so you are not involved in personal selling. You do it privately in your own home, store, or office. This is the GREATEST Multi-Level Mail Order Marketing anywhere: This is what you MUST do: 1. Order all 5 reports shown on the list below (you can't sell them if you don't order them). * For each report, send $5.00 CASH, the NAME & NUMBER OF THE REPORT YOU ARE ORDERING, YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS, YOUR NAME & RETURN ADDRESS (in case of a problem) to the person whose name appears on the list next to the report. * When you place your order, make sure you order each of the five reports. You will need all five reports so that you can save them on your computer and resell them. * Within a few days, you will receive, via e-mail, each of the five reports. Save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of people who will order them from you. 2. IMPORTANT-- DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report, or their sequence on the list, in any way other than is instructed below in steps "a" through "g" or you will lose out on the majority of your profits. Once you understand the way this works, you'll also see how it doesn't work if you change it. Remember, this method has been tested, and if you alter it, it will not work. a. Look below for the listing of available reports. b. After you've ordered the five reports, take this Advertisement and remove the name and address under REPORT #5. This person has made it through a cycle and is no doubt on their way to $50,000 ! c. Move the name and address under REPORT #4 down to REPORT #5. d. Move the name and address under REPORT #3 down to REPORT #4. e. Move the name and address under REPORT #2 down to REPORT #3. f. Move the name and address under REPORT #1 down to REPORT #2. g. Insert your name and address in the REPORT #1 position. Please make sure you copy every name and address ACCURATELY! Copy and paste method works well. (on IBM compatibles machines highlight the text you want to move and press ctrl-C to copy it and then click where you want it to go and then hit Ctrl - V to paste it in. Or use the edit menu.) 3. Take this entire letter, including the modified list of names, and save it to your computer. Make NO changes to the Instruction portion of this letter. Your cost to participate in this is practically nothing (surely you can afford $25!). You obviously already have an Internet Connection and e-mail, which you use to fill your orders its basically FREE! To assist you with marketing your business on the Internet, the 5 reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing information which includes how to send bulk e- mails, where to find thousands of free classified ads and much, much more. There are two primary methods of building your down line: METHOD #1: SENDING BULK E-MAIL Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and we'll assume you and all those involved send out only 2,000 programs each. Let's also assume that the mailing receives a 0.5% response. Using a good list, the response could be much better. Also, many people will send out hundreds of thousands of programs instead of 2,000. But continuing with this example, you send out only 2,000 programs. With a 0.5% response, that is only 10 orders for REPORT #1. Those 10 people respond by sending out 2,000 programs each for a total of 20,000. Out of those 0.5%, 100 people respond and order REPORT #2. Those 100 people mail out 2,000 programs each for a total of 200,000. The 0.5% response to that is 1,000 orders for REPORT #3. Those 1,000 send out 2,000 programs each for a 2,000,000 total. The 0.5% response to that is 10,000 orders for REPORT #4. That amounts to 10,000 each of $5 bills for you in CASH MONEY! Then think about level five! Your total income in this example would be $50 $500 $5,000 $50,000 for a total of $55,550 ! REMEMBER FRIEND, THIS IS ASSUMING 1,990 OUT OF THE 2,000 PEOPLE YOU MAIL TO WILL DO "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" AND TRASH THIS PROGRAM! DARE TO THINK FOR A MOMENT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF HALF-SENT OUT 100,000 PROGRAMS INSTEAD OF 2,000. Believe me, MANY people will do just that, and more! REPORT #2 will show you the best methods for bulk e-mailing, and email software. METHOD #2 - PLACING FREE ADS ON THE INTERNET 1. Classified Advertising on the web via message boards/ classified sites is very inexpensive, and there are HUNDREDS of FREE places to place ads. Let's say you decide to start small just to see how well it works. Assume your goal is to get ONLY 10 people to participate on your first level. (Placing a lot of FREE classified ads on the Internet will EASILY get a larger response). Also, assume that everyone else in YOUR ORGANIZATION gets ONLY 10 down line members. Follow this example to achieve the STAGGERING results Below (same as email example): 1st level-your 10 members with $5............... $50 2nd level-10 members from those 10 ($5 x 100)....$500 3rd level-10 members from those 100 ($5 x1,000) $5,000 4th level-10 members from those 1,000 ($5 x 10k) $50,000 THIS TOTALS............................. ........$55,550 5th level-10 members from those 10,000 ($5 x 100k)???,???! Remember friends, this assumes that the people who participate only recruits 10 people each. Think for a moment what would happen if they got 20 people to participate! Many people get 100's of participants! THINK ABOUT IT! For every $5.00 you receive, all you must do is e-mail them the report they ordered. THAT'S IT! ALWAYS TRY TO PROVIDE SAME-DAY SERVICE ON ALL ORDERS! This will GUARANTEE that the e-mail THEY send out, with YOUR name and address on it, will be prompt. AVAILABLE REPORTS ---------------------------------------------------------- *** Order Each REPORT by NUMBER and NAME *** Notes: - ALWAYS SEND $5 CASH (U.S. CURRENCY) FOR EACH REPORT CHEQUES ARE NOT ACCEPTED - ALWAYS SEND YOUR ORDER VIA FIRST CLASS MAIL - Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least two sheets of paper (IF NOT MORE SO THAT THE BILL(s) CAN'T BE SEEN AGAINST LIGHT) - On one of those sheets of paper, include: (a) the number & name of the report you are ordering (b)your e-mail address (c) your name & postal address (as return address in case the post office encounters problems). PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR THESE REPORTS NOW: Report #1 "The insider's Guide to Advertizing for free on the Internet." ORDER REPORT #1 FROM: Eric Allen 999 Westchester RD South Park, PA 15129 _______________________________________ REPORT #2 "The Insider's Guide to Sending Bulk E-mail on the Internet." ORDER REPORT #2 FROM: Maria Thibodeau PO Box 2294 Edgartown, MA 02539 __________________________________________________ REPORT #3 "The Insider's Guide to Multilevel Marketing on the Internet." ORDER REPORT #3 FROM: JC Cosi 17760 Candlewood Terrace Boca Raton, FL 33487 _______________________________________________ REPORT #4 "How to become a Millionare utilzing the Internet." ORDER REPORT #4 FROM: Andrew Moss 5959 Natchez Rd Riverside CA, 92509 ________________________________________________ REPORT #5 "How to become a Millionaire utilizing the Power of Multilevel Marketing and the Internet Part II" ORDER REPORT #5 FROM: Don Harpo 3028 Ridgeland Dr Jackson, MS 39212 _________________________________________________ About 50,000 new people get online every month! ******* TIPS FOR SUCCESS ******* * TREAT THIS AS YOUR BUSINESS! Be prompt, professional, and follow the directions accurately. * Send for the five reports IMMEDIATELY so you will have them when the orders start coming in because: * When you receive a $5 order, you MUST send out the requested product/report. * ALWAYS PROVIDE SAME-DAY SERVICES ON THE ORDERS YOU RECEIVE. * Be patient and persistent with this program. If you follow the instructions exactly, your results WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! * ABOVE ALL, HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF AND KNOW YOU WILL SUCCEED! ******* YOUR SUCCESS GUIDELINES ******* Follow these guidelines to guarantee your success: Start posting ads as soon as you mail off for the reports! By the time you start receiving orders, your reports will be in your mailbox! For now.. something simple, such as posting on message boards something to the effect of "Would you like to know how to earn 50,000 working out of your house with NO initial investment? Email me with the keywords "more info" to find out how." ---- and when they email you , send them this report in response! If you don't receive 20 orders for REPORT #1 within two weeks, keep at it, continue advertising or sending bulk e- mails UNTIL YOU DO. Then, a few weeks later you should receive at least 100 orders for REPORT#2. If you don't, continue advertising or sending e-mails UNTIL YOU DO. Once you have received 100 or more orders for REPORT #2, YOU CAN RELAX, because the system is already working for you, but continue to keep at it! Cash will continue to roll in! THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Every time your name is moved down on the list, you are placed in front of a DIFFERENT report. You can KEEP TRACK of your PROGRESS by watching which report people are ordering from you. If you want to generate more income, send another batch of e-mails or continue placing ads and start the whole process again! There is virtually no limit to the income you will generate from this business! Before you make your decision as to whether or not you participate in this program. Please answer one question..... DO YOU "WANT" TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? If the answer is yes, please look at the following facts about this program: 1. YOU ARE SELLING A PRODUCT WHICH DOES NOT COST ANYTHING TO PRODUCE! 2. YOU ARE SELLING A PRODUCT WHICH DOES NOT COST ANYTHING TO SHIP! 3. YOU ARE SELLING A PRODUCT WHICH DOES NOT COST YOU ANYTHING TO ADVERTISE (except for bulk mailing costs if using that method)! 4. YOU ARE UTILIZING THE POWER OF THE INTERNET AND THE POWER OF MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING TO DISTRIBUTE YOUR PRODUCT ALL OVER THE WORLD! 5. YOUR ONLY EXPENSES OTHER THAN YOUR INITIAL $25 AND BULK MAILING COST INVESTMENT IS YOUR TIME! 6. VIRTUALLY ALL OF THE INCOME YOU GENERATE FROM THIS PROGRAM IS PURE PROFIT! 7. THIS PROGRAM REALY CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE . ******* T E S T I M O N I A L S ******* This program does work, but you must follow it EXACTLY! Especially the rule of not trying to place your name in a different position, it won't work and you'll lose a lot of potential income. I'm living proof that it works. It really is a great opportunity to make relatively easy money, with little cost to you. If you do choose to participate, follow the program exactly, and you'll be on your way to financial security. Stay focused on this program, don't let yourself get distracted stay focused on this program! Steven Bardfield, Portland, OR ****************************************************** My name is Mitchell. My wife, Jody, and I live in Chicago, IL. I am a cost accountant with a major U.S. Corporation and I make pretty good money. When I received the program, I grumbled to Jody about receiving "junk mail." I made fun of the whole thing, spouting my knowledge of the population and percentages involved. I "knew" it wouldn't work. Jody totally ignored my supposed intelligence and jumped in with both feet. I made merciless fun of her, and was ready to lay the old "I told you so" on her when the thing didn't work... well, the laugh was on me! Within two weeks, she had received over 50 responses. Within 105 days, she had received over $47,200 in $5 bills! I was shocked! I was sure that I had it all figured and that it wouldn't work. I AM a believer now. I have joined Jody in her "hobby." I did have seven more years until retirement, but I think of the "rat race" and it's not for me. We owe it all to network marketing (MLM). Mitchell Wolf MD., Chicago, IL ****************************************************** The main reason for this letter is to convince you that this system is honest, lawful, extremely profitable, and is a way to get a large amount of money in a short time. I was approached several times before I checked this out. I joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received $36,470.00 in the first 14 weeks, with money still coming in. If you are already in the program and haven't made at least this much, its because you need to stay ACTIVE! This thing is awesome, i did it, anyone can do it! Charles Morris, Esq. *************************************************** Not being the gambling type, it took me several weeks to make up my mind to participate in this plan. But conservative that I am, I decided that the initial investment was so little that there was just no way that I wouldn't get enough orders to at least get my money back. Boy, was I surprised when I found my medium-size post office box crammed with orders! For awhile, it got so overloaded that I had to start picking up my mail at the window. I'll make more money this year than any 10 years of my life before. The nice thing about this deal is that it doesn't matter where people live. There simply isn't a better investment for what it allows you, personal freedom. Paige Willis, Des Moines, IA ************************************************** I had received this program before. I deleted it, but later I wondered if I shouldn't have given it a try. Of course, I had no idea who to contact to get another copy, so I had to wait until I was e-mailed another program. Eleven months passed then it came...I didn't delete this one!!! I made more than $41,000. This is for real, get to work. Violet Wilson, Johnstown, PA **************************************************** We have quit our jobs, and will soon buy a home on the beach and live off the interest on our money. The only way on earth that this plan will work for you is if you do it. For your sake, and for your family's sake don't pass up this golden opportunity. Good luck and happy spending! Kerry Ford, Centerport, NY *************************************************** ORDER YOUR REPORTS AND GET STARTED ON YOUR ROAD TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM! *************************************************** FOR YOUR INFORMATION: If you need help with starting a business, registering a business name, learning how income tax is handled, etc., contact your local office of the Small Business Administration (a Federal agency) 1-(800)827-5722 for free help and answers to questions. Also, the Internal Revenue Service offers free help via telephone and free seminars about business tax requirements. IT IS TOTALLY UP TO YOU NOW!!! CAN YOU HANDLE SUCCESS AND ALL THAT MONEY??? ****************************************************** Under Bills.1618 Title III passed by the 105th US Congress this letter cannot be considered spam as the sender includes contact information and a method of removal. No request for removal is necessary as this is a one time e-mail transmission. **************************************************** qmps