----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Choate" <ravage@einstein.ssz.com> To: <cypherpunks@einstein.ssz.com> Cc: <hell@einstein.ssz.com> Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2003 2:53 PM Subject: CNN.com - Proposed law: $500 per unwanted spam - May. 24, 2003 (fwd)
In a somewhat similar vein, I'm currently assembling a number of contracts for my company (Trust Laboratories), and I'm looing for truly effective anti-spam clauses. So I'm looking for any examples (preferrably examples tested in court). The value of $500 per spam reported in the CNN article would certainly be enough deterent, and I'm already planning out a spam reporting mechanism. If anyone has any examples of such clauses I would greatly appreciate receiving them, private email to ashwood@msn.com would probably be the best way (and it would avoid adding to the cypherpunks bandwidth). I greatly appreciate all replies. Joseph Ashwood Trust Laboratories Changing Software Development http://www.trustlaboratories.com