it was the first time i realized that things dont always go how you think they will and that it all can turn out better than you imagined
isnt life surprising i was laying awake thinking last night about how different my life has gone then what i thought (in a good way)
i know some people dont love the whole valentines thing but it is so fun to me i dont care if the greeting card company made it up- any day where i get to be pretty treated with sweetness have a declicious dinner and some romance is right on in my book
well just as we were making preparations to get moving grant was granted that job he wanted right here in utah i guess were staying put (sorry shellie i wanted to live by you and drive to see ray and the beach on weekends real bad)
Yummy fabric ready to ship
1 make stuff knit 2 april 3 fond of 4 Crochet Stack 5 noon 8 6 layering 7 7mos 8 afternoon 9 sleepy mama 10 waiting for me 11 Theres only one captain on this boat 12 Very Special Scarves 13 Michelle Williams ♥ 14 new drawing corner 15 the other side 16 Untitled 17 pride and joy 18 steven alan imitation 19 atthestove 20 Untitled 21 film207 22 hi 23 Working 24 Lashes 25 s t i l l morning quiet time 26 anthem for a 17 year-old girl 27 Untitled 28 reasons for staying 29 Untitled 30 book girl 31 Untitled 32 ships ahoy 33 juk box 34 35 grapefruit & new curtains 36 gams
Quilt kits finally all done
i am given glimpses of the why and the good and the reasons and the plan the bigger picture and the necessity for some to not fit the mold
she follows me around all day just in case she might be needed for something anything cute little penny is just a wee dog but she feels strongly that part of her duty is to scare the crap out of anyone who gets near our house just so they know no one is going to mess with her family not on her watch she is undeterred by bigger animals and scary men- they all get yelled at to stay away
let me explain Buoy
i really really need my bedroom to be simple and uncluttered and white for calming purposes you know what i mean
when cate is too scared to go downstairs penny will go with her and everything is all right she lets cate dress her up for weddings or try to ride her or pull her by the tail almost daily and even knowing the torture she will soon endure she gets so excited when cate gets home from school
my problem dear anne is that it is 2009 kids dont like to get all fussied up anymore and i dont think they would go to the trouble of making up stories about lost broaches to be able to go to a silly church picnic in my mind the little girls are wearing spring dresses and holding parasols with their gloved hands while the boys are eating biscuits and drinking homemade rootbeer with their hats and suspenders on but i live in a dreamland where i want everything stylized i know you understand me anne
cate chose these pretty little traditional valentines cards from bunny cakes i love them
i went to the fabric store tonight in search of prints to make some new spring scarves with some will probably end up in the shop too i just love this look also i love toast (the catalog and the cooked bread)
cate and i went through some of the free options around the web for valentines to download and print