We're pursuing the matter though Tony Smith at the Register seems to be washing his hands of it. And we have asked a couple of wizards help check out the source of the messages we have received, now two -- the latest last evening (with a possibility the source is a provocateur of the infotainment industry aiming for sympathy legislation). Here's our latest message to our always trustworthy source: ----- Response to your message last evening: The Register has today recanted its story about the RIAA meeting. How do you want to handle this now? Ready to be named, your full messages published on Cryptome, or do you want to provide substantiation for your messages and keep your identity concealed? Or perhaps another thoughtful approach to loft this story to a higher level. Interest will be high for a few more hours -- or many days if you come through with authentic evidence. Want to talk on the phone, be on TV with a mask, then fax us your meeting notes for one of the prime participants, provide proof of employment with a media corporation. All as easily done as this message. John Tel: 212-873-8700 Fax: 212-787-6102 ----- We get sucker punched occasionally and don't mind for it allows respondents to critique and smoke out phonies, which has long been big business, name your titans of fakery in all fields, not least entertainment, media, gov, mil and intel. Indeed, without sophisticated fakery, deception, disinformation, lying, cheating, exploitation of the yokels, lying about the truth, this list would have little reason to exist, not to say a huge swatch of the globe's economy, led, yes, yes, by the USA USA. Valenti claims the interests of the USA USA are identical to MPAA MPAA, and why not RIAA RIAA and the supplicants for billions like NY NY.