Dear R.A., I am a technical recruiter, looking of for a Senior Security Engineer / Cryptography expert for an outstanding client of mine in Colorado. Your name has come up as someone strong in cryptography so I was wondering if you might know anyone who is looking for a full-time position in cryptography and who may be interested in a new opportunity? I am looking for a security engineer with strong experience in developing systems using a variety of standards (RSA, DES, AES, and/or PKI). Additional experience with DRM would be a plus, but is not required. This is a visionary position so the most important piece is in-depth and broad-based practical knowledge of the standards and their uses in high-tech systems. This is an outstanding opportunity for the right person - hands-on and leadership opportunity in a great company with super benefits and work on the cutting edge of very exciting technology developments. Please feel free to pass on my information or to contact me direct if you know of anyone who might be interested. This is message is being sent directly to you and is not intended as SPAM in any way. You have not been added to any mailing lists and your information has not been shared. If you do not wish to receive any further emails from Vita Group, Inc., please let me know and I will make sure that you do not. Thank you very much! Lori A. Lister, President Vita Group, Inc. - bringing life to business! Recruiting Services for IT, Engineering & Biotech Ph: 303.465.4944 email: URL: Our mission is to always provide professional, ethical, and honest services. --- end forwarded text -- ----------------- R. A. Hettinga <mailto:> The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <> 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity, [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'