Michael Paul Johnson wrote:
If that is the only chink in the armor you see, then you aren't looking very hard. The point of this system is
Michael, Enjoyed your post. The motivations underlying U.S. crypto policy are indeed multi-faceted, and it is always good to have a variety of well-thought out opinions as to some of the various impetus' behind the machinations of the different governmental departments, etc., which encompass the wide range of those involved in setting and enforcing crypto policy. No matter what the original motivations or pre-conceived plans behind the initial impetus towards the regulation of crypto, once 'policy' enters the governmental maze it takes on a life of its own, subject to whims and vagarities of departments and individuals which reflect a confusing kalidescope of concerns which are both parallel and tangent to the starting vector. I would imagine that, 1,000 years from now, students might well be taught that Phil Zimmerman was responsible for World War III, with the CypherPunks bearing much of the blame, as well. Toto "Fighting for peace, and fucking for virginity."