The paper shows some promise but, apart from being insecure, has other drawbacks that should be addressed: - The system is subject to a simple attack. The problem lies with the multiplication of the hashes. Let's take the Chaum blinding as an example, something similar work for the "Laurie" protocol. The simple idea is to take X1 = [ \prod hash(bogus_att, salt_i) ] \times [hash(correct_att, salt)]^{-n/2} modulo pq X2 = X3 = ... = Xn = hash(correct_att, salt) Submit the blinded Xi's. Assuming X1 will not have to be opened (prob = 1/2 or 1, depending on whether or not protocol is interactive), one obains X1^d modulo pq from the signer, which contains consistently all the bogus attributes. Here is a suggestion for a "fix" to repair this total break. Make sure to that the signer, in additional to the consistency check for the opened blinded candidates, also checks that the opened blinded candidates have _different_ values. Of course, serious analysis needs to be done to ensure that this is enough to guarantee security. I do not have the time to look into this, but my gut feeling is that variations of the attack based on the same principle will still work, but with lower success probability; this will have to be compensated for by making n bigger, which makes the protocol even more inefficient. My advice is to the author is to analyze the proposed fix, and explore other possible fixes, before distributing an updated version. - My work certainly does provide for "revocable anonymity" and "pooling" prevention. For pooling protection, see paragraph 2 on page 193, section 5.11 page 210 paragraph 2, and section 5.5.2 on page 211. For not needing separate signing exponents for each attribute, see page 266 last paragraph on the page. For recovable anonymity, see the e-cash references on page 264/5. - The proposed hashing technique for selective disclosure was introduced by myself in 1999. Quoting from page 27 of my MIT Press book titled "Rethinking Public Key Infrastructures": "Another attempt to protect privacy is for the CA to digitally sign (salted) oneway hashes of attributes, instead of (the concatenation of) the attributes themselves. When transacting or communicating with a verifier, the certificate holder can selectively disclose only those attributes needed.22 {22 Lamport [244] proposed this hashing construct in the context of one-time signatures. When there are many attributes, they can be organized in a hash tree to improve efficiency, following Merkle [267].} This generalizes the dual signature technique applied in SET [257]." Since this technique is merely at the level of an observation, and because it is a simple generalization of the SET technique, I in fact decided at the time to put the entire paragraph under section header 1.2.2 of my book, titled "Previous privacy-protection efforts and their shortcomings". - More seriously, the simple hash technique has numerous drawbacks, as I explain on page page 27 of my MIT Press book, in the very same paragraph: "Although certificate holders now have some control over which attributes they reveal to verifiers, they are forced to leave behind digital signatures. Furthermore, they are seriously restricted in the properties they can demonstrate about their attributes; Boolean formulae, for instance, are out of the question. Worse, nothing prevents the CA and others from tracing and linking all the communications and transactions of each certificate holder." Other techniques, such as lending prevention and limited-show, do not work either. It was for these and other reasons that I was motivated to work on the more sophisticated selective disclosure in the first place. - In addition to various other drawbacks pointed out by of Dr. Adam Back (see, the proposal does not offer a wallet-with-observer mode, discarding protection, anonymous recertification / updating, multi-application certificates, etcetera. Hope this helps, Stefan Brands