Josh Lynch writes:
I just mailed Jason. I feel like an asshole about missing my third day. I haven't got any sleep since tuesday, and I haven't kept any food down since Subway yesterday. I have a nice fever, and I can't sleep because my stomach feels nautious (sp?). Well enough of my sob story, I think I made a great impression today (not) you'll probably be lucky to see me tomarrow if I get fired. Oh yeah, on top of all that I miss the metting that I needed to go to the most. Later
On Wed, 5 Nov 1997, Super-User wrote:
Hey ya punk!!
What's this crap about being sick?? Ya punk, wheere's the desire, the ambition, the need to puke on your client's terminal?? We're headed out to Impressions Inc. to do some Xinet shit and to talk to the Xinet Rep. Jason wanted you to come along to meet Xinet reps. Ya better feel special 'cause I never got asked to meet any reps, I had to corner'em and kick their ass to get a response. Anyway, if you feel good enough to come with, call Jason's cel @ 8674526 or the condo @ 9276596.
Later, Murray
P.S.- I made you an account on the SGI (josh, passwd:calvin1) ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ IP: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Note the risks of sending passwords in cleartext and fucking up the e-mail addresses so they end up in my orphan mailbox. :-)
--- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps