Apparently the Wisconsin Supreme Court (that's one of our states, right?) just ruled a man convicted of failure to pay child support justly has less rights than unconvicted people: if he has any more children they will jail him. ---- How much is an NYPD plunger up the ass worth? $9 million dollars. Plug me. ---- Subject: Re: Dropping out of the USA Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 19:26:15 -0700 From: Tim May <> # # In any case, it's absurd to think one would # move to Russia to escape the problems of the U.S. Didn't you post that it was when you saw billboards in the area where you lived in Spanish that you knew it was time to move?,2933,27126,00.html Jun 13 2001 Recently, Angelina Jolie admitted she couldn't stop thinking about sex, and loves it when men look at her.