At 11:14 PM 12/11/96 -0500, you wrote:
X-Sender: okeefe@olympus.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 19:32:32 -0800 To: N E W S R E L E A S E <IPS@olympus.net> From: "Steve O'Keefe" <IPS@olympus.net> Subject: NEWS: Web Security Hole Revealed
BREAKING NEWS For Release Thursday, December 12, 1996
(New York) -- Edward Felten, head of Princeton University's Safe Internet Programming Team (SIP), today revealed a major security flaw in the Internet's World Wide Web. Called "web spoofing," the breach allows any Internet server to place itself between a user and the rest of the web. In that middle position, the server may observe, steal and alter any information passing between the unfortunate browser and the web.
This is considered *NEW* information?