Excerpts from internet.cypherpunks: 7-Jun-96 Re: OECD http://www.oecd... by Bill Stewart@ix.netcom.c
The private sector is closely involved in drafting the Guidelines, with business representatives from the Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) participating at the meeting. The OECD meeting, which took place on 8 May, was hosted by the US Department of State in Washington DC.
Was the meeting announced to at least the public in advance? The schedule on the web page mentioned the 8 May meeting, at least after the fact, but does not list any of the following meetings, and there's no identification of your BIAC committee's members or even the member governments participating.
I believe the OECD meetings are closed to the public and journalists. I was thinking of going to one, but was told that I couldn't. (Even though I'm fully accredited with U.S. Congress-issued press identification.) Isn't there an OECD meeting soon in Paris? Marc Rotenberg from EPIC has been following this closely and would be a good person to ask. -Declan (somewhat tipsy, always a bad idea when posting to cypherpunks)