Someone assuming the personality of attila about yesterday (who is he today? ask him--you might like the answer) wrote while in a mental state that could be characterized as perceiving reality for only the very briefest of moments: [humongous snip of recycled rumors, shameless fabrications, hypocritical innuendo, outright slander, and maybe a paucity of conceded-by-all- including-the-man-himself historical fact]
there is no left and right; there is no moral government; it's all about power and staying in power. ever notice how reformers only stay reformers until they need to run for reelection and the money goes to those who play ball?
So learn to play the game. Yeah, no one, even the icons we build, is a born angel. There are relative levels of the good and bad in our society. Do you see the word "relative"? It means no absolutes. If you want absolutes, check out the Bible readers for whom every word is sacred. One of my rotating tag lines talks (another Turkish proverb) addresses the very issue you bring up: power. I hope it shows up at the end of this message.
the U.S. is already an oligarchy, next comes the plutocracy, followed by the triumvirate, and then the emporer (maybe with clothes) -then there will be a winnowing and anarchy followed by tribal states. welcome to history, but few will live to see it run its course --America, the universally hated, will be the first to be plowed under when she can no longer bully or buy the -pax americanus-. and the men in power know that a hungry disorganized populace can be subjugated by a well fed army.
Well, that's what we call human history. Nations and empires rise and fall, birth and death, a natural progression. The only thing you need worry about while living in this kennel called the planet Earth is to be top dog.
sorry, I really am crazy, but it's better to be crazy than insane.
You're sure about that, are you? Mitch Halloran Research (Bio)chemist Duzen Laboratories Group Ankara TURKEY mitch@duzen.com.tr A woman without a husband is like a horse without reins. --Turkish proverb