Generalized: a digest / digsig... # A Microsoft spokeswoman says that Ewel's announcement was # consistent with security features in Windows 2000. "This is part # of our overall commitment to security. ... Signed drivers and # trusted applications are features found today in Windows 2000, # and this capability will be supported in future versions of # Windows," she says. A program that needs to run to strict court requirements: # The FBI said that the lab report was the result of a test to # determine Carnivore's ``breaking point,'' and that laws and court # orders restricted Carnivore from being used so broadly. Privacy # advocates, however, said the test shows that Carnivore is more # powerful than the FBI has stated. Combine the two thoughts. The filter config file is separate from the digested FBI software. EPIC/EFF reviews the source code, agreeing to the FBI non-disclosure, issues a digsig. No remote control capabilities. ISP under court order loads their own NT box, loads and verifies the compiled FBI software, enters the config file to court requirements with FBI personnel watching, it gets locked in a cage. Trust, trust, trust. Verify. We trust you You trust us We're a happy, happy, bunch. With a click clak little hack Give a dog a bone This borg tattles like a good ol' drone <ambiguous puff>