Mr. Blank Frank,
I simply asked for your assistance -- none of your repulsive filth was due me.  It's people like you -- or the perception that you tried to give me of you that I am trying to protect my son against.  When deception, filth, dishonesty, and the such as you have displayed rule this world ... when talking isn't the answer, a parent has the responsibilty to care for their child.  Perhaps you are not a parent, or you never had a parent that cared enough to protect -- but, I am one that will fight to the bitter end to protect the innocence of my children.  I simply asked for you assistance in cracking the .pwl file and your response was nothing to do with that request.  If you are unable to help me, no response would have been better than the one you sent.  I'm sorry that misery seems to emmanate from you -- there's a Peace that can be found in Your Creator ... may He bless you today.
Mrs. Banks
> "Lori Banks" <> writes:
> >I am a concerned parent that has stumbled upon information that is not
> good >regarding my teen and the Internet.  Could you help me find out
> what these >passwords are or how to work that program?
> We have checked our records, and he is in fact running a
> homo-necro-bestial paedophile ring when he's not smuggling heroin for
> Osama.  He does not seem to be money-laundering, he gets paid in Semtex,
> so chill out, bitch.  Besides, snooping is so *rude*, why don't you just
> talk to him?