Dear Guest: is about to improve its Guest Registration system. Unfortunately, your personalized Registration name is currently set to expire during the upgrade process. You may prevent this from happening. If you wish to keep your current Registration name and Password, all you need to do is update them by March 24. Once you do, you'll remain eligible to enter all our contests and sweepstakes and continue receiving e-mail updates on what's new from Disney. It's easy to update your Registration info! Simply cut and paste (or copy) the following URL into your browser's "Address" or "Go To:" window: At the top of the Registration page, please type your Registration name and Password in the appropriate spaces. Then click the "Update my Registration" button and your information will be updated automatically. Of course, if you don't update your Registration now, you'll still be able to enter contests at any time after March 24 -- you simply won't be guaranteed your original Registration name and Password and you may have to register again. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we thank you for visiting! Your friends at (c) Disney. All rights reserved.