You could try the Dialectizer http://rinkworks.com/dialect/ Example: On Saturday 26 April 2003 09:42 pm, Tim "Ahh Be Bad" May wrote, dig dis:
Dere is various syndetic languages, not da damn least uh which be de fo'm uh "milrap" used fo' quasi-literate military memos.
But uh course sucka's ain't goin' t'learn new human languages fo' such an ephemeral and mostly useless reason as t'hide deir textual clues.
Kascinski gots nailed cuz' his rants wuz so's long, runnin' t'many newssheet pages (as dey wuz printed, at da damn FBI's request o' his request, o' bod, ah' fo'get da damn details) and wuz filled wid some lot
dan plum grammatical and stylistic clues, dig dis: de rants had his
views, his analysis uh histo'y, etc. Co' got d' beat! It's doubtful dat K. would gots had any interest in tryin' t'scribble in some syndetic language, stripped uh various stylistic choices and opshuns.
Or dat we would wanna.
By de way, dere wuz some scribblin' out some few years back by an academic who specializes in "fo'ensic text analysis," e.g. What it is, Mama!, analyzin' de text of Shakespeare, Pynchon, etc. Co' got d' beat! t'do dis kind'a analysis. (He
mo'e political lived in
Soquel, some town near me, and he analyzed letters by some "Wanda Tinax'y" which wuz recon'd by some t'be actually written by Domas Pynchon, de famously reclusive audo' who, by coincidence (o' not?) lived fo' a decade some couple uh ridges upside from me, in Aptos, also near Soquel. Small wo'ld. Google should turn down de audo' fo' dose interested in findin' de scribblin'.
"We is at war wid Oceania. WORD! We gots always been at war wid Oceania. WORD!" "We is at war wid Eurasia. WORD! We gots always been at war wid Eurasia. WORD!" "We is at war wid Iraq. Ah be baaad... We gots always been at war wid Iraq. Ah be baaad... "We is at war wid France. We gots always been at war wid France."
-- Neil Johnson http://www.njohnsn.com PGP key available on request.