In message <> Timothy May writes (text elided for brevity):
* The issue of the name of our group, the Cypherpunks name, was not discussed. The U.K. group has apparently picked "U.K. Cryptoprivacy Group" as their name.
Actually, *I* unilaterally changed it. The climate is different here in England. "UK Cryptoprivacy Association" works; "Cypherpunks" requires time-consuming explanation. Of course, I _like_ the latter term... ;-) In any event, it looks to be our largest meeting. I'll post a Tim May-style summary after the meeting. Russell Whitaker Russell Earl Whitaker Communications Editor AMiX: RWhitaker EXTROPY: The Journal of Transhumanist Thought Board member, Extropy Institute (ExI) ================ PGP 2.2 public key available =======================