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Your success is
our reputation
Give your sales a boost!

Are you tired of trying the same old things,
that produce the same old results,
and cost more and more each time?

We have something that can make your marketing come alive.

It's called the eDirect and it can:
  • Increase sales
  • Generate new leads
  • Direct traffic to your web site
  • Promote a sale
  • Announce a trade show
    And much, much more.

    Traditionally, direct marketing has always generated measurable results. You know that when you deliver a message directly to your target's home or office you will continually receive a 2% to 15% return. It's all about numbers.

    Well, here's a new way to reach your market at 1/3 the cost and has already proven to generate double the average response rate of traditional direct marketing.
  • No printing
  • No postage
  • And no hassles
    Just measurable results that are affordable!

    We figured out a way to generate qualified leads inexpensively.
    We can crank it up when you need leads and turn it down when
    you've had enough.

    We could explain it all here or just link you to a demonstration of this new tool.
    It's a cool, interactive, red viewer. Try it, click below.

    Introducing the eDirect

    Check it out then fill out a Quick-Quote and see for yourself.

    Get it right from the Gecko.

    Lizard Marketing, serving Internet-based companies
    with successful marketing programs since 1993

    All Rights Reserved © 2001 Lizard Marketing, Inc.

    ARE YOU AWARE THAT... each year, over 400 million trees are cut down to provide paper
    for "postal" bulk mail in the United States alone? By using the Internet instead, we can significantly
    reduce this unessary consumption and decrease the billions of tons of resulting waste material
    that clogs our landfills. Thank you for being part of the solution.