On Wed, 4 Jun 1997, Declan McCullagh wrote:
If you banned commercial e-mail, wouldn't it just affect legitimate commercial transactions? That is to say, wouldn't fly-by-night pyramid-scheme builders still be able to spam? I would think that if they are so untraceable that it's hard to block their spam that it wouldn't really matter if it were simply made illegal.
This reminded me of a thought I had this morning... If the Unibomber had actually wanted to improve his reputation capitol, he should have gane about things differently. Instead of going after college professors and the like (which only appeals to MUDers and other people failing thair classes) he should have taken on a different group. If he had issued out a Make Money Fast pyramid scheme with his PO box as one of the addresses and then sent bombs to those who responded, he would have been the hero to millions. By eliminating would-be spammers from the downline of life, he would have been the savior to millions. he would have web pages in his honor. He would have bumper stickers with such slogans as "SPAM = DEATH" made in his honor. But he blew it... I guess we can only dream of it happening in our lifetime... alano@teleport.com | "Those who are without history are doomed to retype it."