17 Sep
17 Sep
11:23 p.m.
cypherpunks I was thinking about you when I put this on the net /http://www.nmol.com/users/billp/purpose.htm#Newton Boutelle never got a college degree. I've known lot of phds, including garett birkhoff and don knuth. And ray duncan too. An md not phd. Boutelle was a LOT SMARTER, in my opinion, than all of the above. Boutelle left us a legacy of genius with the Nautilus 2 metacompiler. Boutelle is dead. I missed his wake at Half Moon Bay because of this mess. http://members.tripod.com/bill_3_2/ I'm getting a bit upset. Allahu ahkbar http://www.jya.com/nsasuit.txt http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/8327/buehlerpayne.html